منتديات تخاطب: ملتقى الفلاسفة واللسانيين واللغويين والأدباء والمثقفين
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
تسجيلك في هذا المنتدى يأخذ منك لحظات ولكنه يعطيك امتيازات خاصة كالنسخ والتحميل والتعليق
وإضافة موضوع جديد والتخاطب مع الأعضاء ومناقشتهم
فإن لم تكن مسجلا من قبل فيرجى التسجيل، وإن كنت قد سجّلت فتفضّل
بإدخال اسم العضوية

يمكنك الدخول باستخدام حسابك في الفيس بوك

ستحتاج إلى تفعيل حسابك من بريدك الإلكتروني بعد تسجيلك هنا
التسجيل بالأسماء الحقيقية ثنائية أو ثلاثية وباللغة العربيّة فقط
منتديات تخاطب: ملتقى الفلاسفة واللسانيين واللغويين والأدباء والمثقفين
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
تسجيلك في هذا المنتدى يأخذ منك لحظات ولكنه يعطيك امتيازات خاصة كالنسخ والتحميل والتعليق
وإضافة موضوع جديد والتخاطب مع الأعضاء ومناقشتهم
فإن لم تكن مسجلا من قبل فيرجى التسجيل، وإن كنت قد سجّلت فتفضّل
بإدخال اسم العضوية

يمكنك الدخول باستخدام حسابك في الفيس بوك

ستحتاج إلى تفعيل حسابك من بريدك الإلكتروني بعد تسجيلك هنا
التسجيل بالأسماء الحقيقية ثنائية أو ثلاثية وباللغة العربيّة فقط
منتديات تخاطب: ملتقى الفلاسفة واللسانيين واللغويين والأدباء والمثقفين
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات تخاطب: ملتقى الفلاسفة واللسانيين واللغويين والأدباء والمثقفين

تهتم بـ الفلسفة والثقافة والإبداع والفكر والنقد واللغة
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
تعلن إدارة المنتديات عن تعيين الأستاذ بلال موقاي نائباً للمدير .... نبارك له هذه الترقية ونرجو من الله أن يوفقه ويعينه على أعبائه الجديدة وهو أهل لها إن شاء الله تعالى
للاطلاع على فهرس الموقع اضغط على منتديات تخاطب ثم انزل أسفله
» هات يدك مجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-12-13, 15:27 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» بين «بياجيه» و «تشومسكي» مقـاربة حـول كيفيـة اكتسـاب اللغـةمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-12-03, 20:02 من طرف سدار محمد عابد» نشيد الفجرمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-30, 14:48 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» الرذ والديناصورمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-02, 18:04 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» سلاما على غزةمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 18:42 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» سلاما على غزةمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 18:40 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» شهد الخلودمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 18:35 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» تهجيرمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 18:23 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» تقرير من غزة مجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 18:18 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» القدس لنامجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 17:51 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» يوم في غزة مجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 17:45 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» شعب عجبمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-11-01, 17:41 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» سمكة تحت التخديرمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-10-07, 15:34 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» تجربة حبمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-09-16, 23:25 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل» زلزال و اعصارمجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2023-09-14, 05:44 من طرف عبدالحكيم ال سنبل


 مجلات البحث العلمى

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

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مُساهمةموضوع: مجلات البحث العلمى   مجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2012-01-27, 06:10

The Machiavellian Face of Petruchio: Love and Power in The Taming of the Shrew
Khaled Masoud Shuqair

This paper argues with the feminist scholars that Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew is essentially a romanticized version of male's dominance over woman, which reveals a historical context where gender crisis was salient. However, it proposes that the play presents the idea of marriage in such a way that the relation of the wife-the potentially disorderly woman- to her husband becomes an epitome for the relation of subordinates to their ruler. In the little world of the family, with its conspicuous tension between love and power, the larger matters of political and social order could find ready symbolization. In this world, the powerful Pertruchio acts in a Machiavellian manner to subjugate the powerless Katherine. His brutality is justified as a necessary evil in order to achieve social order as a higher moral goal. Love is contingent on the establishment of male's power in such a matrimonial relation; the husband is feared first, and then loved. Similarly, according to Machiavellian standards a successful ruler should build his state on fear rather than love for, while love is precarious, fear is held by a dread of punishment. Thus the marriage of Petruchio and Katherine is praised and rewarded at the end, because such a matrimonial relationship exorcised the fear of disorder that dominated early modern England.

The Harrowing of Hell: Existential Aspects in Jabra I. Jabra’s The Ship

Khaled Masoud Shuqair

Dafer Yusef Sarairah

This paper studies Jabra I. Jabra’s The Ship from an existential point of view. It argues that the central existential motifs, like the confrontation with death, political and social commitment, revolt, quest for freedom, alienation, anxiety, despair and free choice, all preoccupy the characters and are hence pivotal to a better understanding of the novel. The study shows that, with the exception of Wadi Assaf, the characters of The Ship sink into a state of inaction, quietism, and cynicism that render them helpless when confronting existence. Wadi, on the other hand, is the only character who acquires the stature of the existentialist hero as he exercises an act of will and takes responsibility for his action. Hence, in his action and commitment, Wadi transcends the state of inertia and passivity that permeates the world of the novel.

Translation and Other Neighboring Linguistic Disciplines

Mohammad Q. R. Al-Zoubi

Ali R. A. Al-Hassnawi**

The major concern of this paper is to discuss the integration between translation theory and practice on one hand and some relevant linguistic disciplines on the other hand. In this regard, focus is made on three disciplines found to be the closest to this phenomenon, namely, contrastive analysis (CA), systemic grammar (SG), and transformational grammar (TG) respectively. Argument has been made in favour of showing the impact of each of these disciplines on translation, both in terms of theory and practice.

The most prominent conclusion arrived at is to re-assert the belief that translation theory and practice can hardly be described comprehensively and adequately without incorporating many of the views and statements taken from some other linguistic disciplines relevant to this field.

Word Order And Agreement

In Basic Sentences In Arabic
Hosam Mobaidin

Recent developments in the generative transformational theory of syntax, known as the Minimalist Program, eliminated much of the theoretical constructs of earlier models. The government module and Agr were among the areas that have been radically affected. Since much of the work done on Arabic word order and agreement projected pre-minimalist models, the findings of such work must necessarily have been outdated. In this paper I present a new analysis of word order and agreement in both verbal and non-verbal clauses in Arabic, taking into consideration recent developments in the theory. In particular, I argue that the facts of word order and agreement in both verbal and non-verbal clauses are to be attributed to the availability of two alternative T-nodes. One T has number and strong N-features; the other is devoid of number and has weak N-features. The former allows the derivation of clauses headed by subjects; the latter allows the derivation of clauses headed by predicates.

صناعة معجم للمجازات العربية: قضايا ومقترحات
أحمد شيخ عبد السلام

Abundant efforts have been contributed in the service of Arabic through making various types of dictionaries, but it is not deniable that Arabic lexicography awaits a separate dictionary for common Arabic metaphors. Al-Zamakhshari’s effort in “Asas al-Balaghah” is a lone contribution in this field, regardless of some observations caused by the problematic nature of classification and separation of metaphors. There are other non-lexicographical contributions in the survey of Arabic metaphors in the Qur’anic, prophetic and literary texts.

This paper notes the significance of contributing a special lexicographical work for Arabic metaphor. It examines issues that relates to its making, and influence of selection, arrangement, definition and citation on metaphorical entries. It discusses efforts of change and frequency of metaphorical usage in the selection of entries and their contents, and offers some technical and methodological suggestions.

The paper comprises theoretical aspects that lead to practical aspects which offer solution to some likely technical problems. Three practical samples are prepared to demonstrate application of the suggestions.

ظواهر أسلوبية في قصيدة الخطاب في الشعر الأردني المعاصر
ديوان (أغاني الرحيل السابع) لعبدالرحيم اختياراً
طارق عبدالقادر المجالي

Stylistic Aspects of discourse in Modern Jordanian Poetry :

Abdulrahim Omar`s Collection Songs of the Seventh Travel as a Case Study.

The study demonstrates that Abdulrahim Omar`s collection of poems- Song of the Seventh Travel departs from reporting, simple expressionism and the traditional emphasis on content at the expense of Poeticity and initiates a new phase in the development of the Jordanian discourse in term of artistic techniques and tools.

The study also analyzes the stylistic aspects in the collection and the poetic elements of these aspects. It particularly focuses on two major stylistic aspects: deviatio, and symbolism and textuality .

الماء في شعر أبي تمام
صالح علي سليم الشتيوي

This research deals with "Water in the Poetry of Abi Tammam", discussing three aspects:

1. Water Symbolism in Abi Tammam's Poetry: Abu Tammam formed a connective outlook with the theme of water. He found it soothing and gratifying; sentiments he passed on to recipients of his poetry. Sometimes, however, water has pejorative connotations, depicted as a source of harm and evil.

2. Terms and adjectives associated with water: Such terms include, lightning, and clouds, nostalgia and luxury water. The poet psychologically differentiates between various synonyms for water in the textual contexts in which water appears.

The uses of water as seen by the poet: Abu Tammam variously employs water as a symbol of bounty and plenitude; as a metaphor for those he praises for their generosity and munificence; as a metaphor for triumph and domination; and as a source of ornamentation, decorating the landscape with flowers and vegetation
الحقول الدلالية في عالم الإحياء في القرآن الكريم
السيد برتي الحسن

This research aims at simplifying the understanding of the Holy Qur’anic vocabularies by classifying them semantically. This brings Muslim readers, especially non-Arabs, closer to the content of the Holy Qur’an, and enriches their word power with the Holy Qur’anic words. It also provides the lexicographers and Arab language textbook designers with topics and words that can facilitate the design of reading materials for Muslim students. The significance of this research crystallizes in its direct association with the Holy Qur’an in terms of its words and subjects. The research offers illustrations for some vocabularies. The researcher believes that this study will satisfy the need of many Trainers, particularly readers of Arabic language. It is in no doubt that any study that deals with an aspect of the Holy Qur’an with an aim of facilitating its understanding that study must be of great importance. This is in fact a realization of the divine statement: “ And we have indeed made the Holy Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there any that will receive admonition”.( Qur’an,54:17)

The findings of this research can be emphasized in three points:

· That the words with functional relationships are of a significant amount in the Holy Qur’an.

· That these words are common words, and have broad use in Islamic rituals, as well as in daily conversations and in Arabic language teaching programs.

· That the adoption of semantic relationships in studying words eases the language learning and the building of word-power.

تفريق القرافي بين الدلالة باللفظ ودلالة اللفظ:
دراسة براغماتية لنموذج من المنهج الدلالي الأصولي
محمد محمد يونس علي


This study is a linguistic critical one. It aims at introducing al-Qaraafis's (d. 684/1285) distinction between what he calls "signifying the expression and the signification of expressions". It also aims at establishing criteria for the differences between the two types of significations, discussing them, evaluating their theoretical and practical values in the light of al-Qaraafis's comprehensive model of textual communication. This work should be seen as a part of a broader and more ambitious and comprehensive project, aiming at the establishment and development of Arabic textual pragmatics. The data of this field is taken from the views and theories centered on the language's use (versus wada') in the Arabic heritage, specially those provided by Muslim legal theorists.

الر وابط الدلالية بين المقسم به والمقسم عليه في القرآن الكريم
(دراسة تطبيقية على جزء عم)

يوسف القماز


Swearing taking an oath is prominent stylistic phenomenon in the Koran.This phenomenon is so common in the last part of the Koran specifically in the Meccan surats.

Due to the diversity of who swears and what is sworn of there are a number of enquiries some of which are related to the nature of such diversity and whether there is a relationship between who swears and what is sworn of.
The present study is an endeavor to answer such enquiries in order to induce a cute relationship between the parts of a swearing statement . Based on the belief that the Koran comprises one shaping and its parts are closerelated the present study attempts to show the accuraly of this belief by studying swearing style in Comma part of the Koran.
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحلام لسانية 1
عضو فضي.

القيمة الأصلية

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مجلات البحث العلمى   مجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2012-01-27, 09:09

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مجلات البحث العلمى   مجلات البحث العلمى I_icon_minitime2012-01-27, 09:20

مجلات البحث العلمى 390140
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

مجلات البحث العلمى

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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»  اللغه العربيه..والتقدم العلمى
» اشتعال النيران بالمجمع العلمى المصرى
» البحث عن كتب
» البحث عن كتاب
» مساعدة في البحث عن كتب

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منتديات تخاطب: ملتقى الفلاسفة واللسانيين واللغويين والأدباء والمثقفين  ::  الدراسات العليا :: مناقشة مقترحات رسائل وبحوث علمية-
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قم بحفض و مشاطرة الرابط منتديات تخاطب: ملتقى الفلاسفة واللسانيين واللغويين والأدباء والمثقفين على موقع حفض الصفحات
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مجلات البحث العلمى 561574572

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Computer Hope
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